Tau Iota Chapter is excited to announce our latest health webinar series, COVID-19 Vaccine: Attitudes and Perspectives for Communities of Color.
Bro Dr. Reginald Eadie and Bro. Greg Jones will be the guest presenters and will deliver a clear, factual understanding of what the COVID-19 vaccine is and how it impacts our communities. I encourage all Brothers to attend one of these sessions and more importantly spread this information to your entire network. This important message needs to be heard by all of our families, friends and co-workers to ensure we are equipped with accurate knowledge about this crucial topic.
Bro. Dr. Reginald Eadie, is the President and CEO of Trinity Health of New England and Co-Chair of the Connecticut COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group.
Bro Greg Jones, is a member of the Communications subgroup of the Connecticut COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group.
First Session: Thursday December 17th 2020 8:00PM EST
First Session Registration: https://bit.ly/covidvaccinewebinar17th
Second Session: Sunday December 27th 2020 7:00 PM EST
Second Session Registration: https://bit.ly/covidvaccinewebinar27th